Perfect Sugar And Gluten Free Muffin Recipe With Almonds

no keywordAs I currently have a little time, I had been looking on the web yesterday. Trying to find fresh, intriguing ideas, inspiring recipes that We have never tried before, to surprise my family with. Searching for a long time but couldn’t come across lots of interesting things. Right before I thought to give up on it, I came upon this delicious and easy treat simply by luck at SunCakeMom. The dessert seemed so mouth-watering on its photo, it called for urgent action.
It absolutely was simple enough to imagine how it is made, how it tastes and how much my husband is going to enjoy it. Mind you, it is rather simple to please the guy in terms of desserts. Yes, I am a blessed one. Or perhaps he is.Anyway, I went to the site and followed the detailed instuctions that have been accompanied by nice shots of the method. It just makes life rather easy. I could imagine that it’s a bit of a hassle to take photographs in the midst of baking in the kitchen as you may normally have sticky hands and so i highly appreciate the time and energy she devote for making this blogpost .
With that in mind I am inspired presenting my own, personal recipes similarly. Appreciate your the thought.
I had been tweaking the original mixture create it for the taste of my loved ones. I’ve got to mention that it was a terrific success. They prized the flavor, the overall look and loved getting a sweet like this in the middle of a busy workweek. They basically requested lots more, many more. Thus next time I am not going to make the same miscalculation. I’m likely to twin the quantity to get them happy.

The article Perfect Sugar And Gluten Free Muffin Recipe With Almonds was originally posted on SunCakeMom.

Perfect no-sugar, gluten free muffin recipe. Yes, it exists and it is delicious.
To find the perfect sugar free, glutenfree muffin recipe I tried and tried. After some unsuccessful attempts, changing or modifying ingredients I’m more than happy with the result now. Not only me, my family too. I’m also delighted to know they have something delicious and healthy as a Sunday dessert it an afternoon snack.
So here it comes, the perfect no-sugar, gluten-free muffin recipe:
3 eggs (separated yolks and egg whites)
1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon of stevia
How to make delicious and healthy sugar-free, gluten-free muffins:
Measure and grind flaxseed until it has flour consistency.
Measure and grind almonds.
Beat egg whites until hard peaks form.
Beat yolks until they get light yellowish colour.
Put a spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder and the stevia with the egg yolks and mix until incorporates well.
Mix the rest of the dry ingredients (flaxseed flour, grinded almond and baking powder) in a bowl.
Pour dry ingredients and coconut milk in with the cocoa-yolks mixture alternating between the dry and liquid. Mix carefully
Finally fold egg whites really carefully in with the batter. Try not to break egg whites as it gives the muffins the foamy texture.
Pour batter into the cupcake holders.
Decorate with any toppings of your preference. I used berries and almond with mine.
Pop it in the pre-heated (180 C degrees) oven for 25 minutes.
Check it after 20 minutes (depending on your oven it could be ready earlier or later.) You wonder how to check? I use a needle or fork to stick it into the muffin. If needle comes out clean the muffin is baked. If there is some batter on it put tray back for another 5-10 minutes. Check again if you’re not sure.
Don’t forget to stock up the basic ingredients:

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